
Case Study: Prototyping a Concept Vehicle

Case Study: Prototyping a Concept Vehicle with Objet 3D printing machine.
Nice curves and finishing.

Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing Gaskets

Some fun projects from, including double injection moulding etc.

Rapid Prototyping Lab

We see what goes on in the Mechanical Engineering department of UW with their 3D Printing Lab.

Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing Realistic Models

A nice intro on advanced rapid 3D prototyping applications.

Autodesk Digital Prototyping Workflow

Collaborating and generating concepts and solutions are some of the benefits of Digital Prototyping.

Modern Marvels- Zprinter 650 rapid prototyping a water bottle

Z-Corp Z650 featured on Modern Marvels. Show discusses the engineering, marketing, ergonomics,rapid prototyping and technology used in designing a platic waterbottle.

Basic Prototyping - General Tips

This is a very general introduction to prototyping. Prototyping should always be fast and cheap. You should learn how to sketch, use common items such as tape, cardboard, pvc, wood and paper. Prototypes help you mold your ideas and communicate them to other people that may be stakeholders or artisans that will take your concept to the next level.

Witchcraft CNC fin prototyping

CNC fin prototyping on our sailboard shaping machine. Perfect for putting ideas to test on the water as quick and accurate as possible.

Solid Edge Digital prototyping demo

The demo covers digital prototyping with Solid Edge and outlines how 2D drawings are levereged into everyday design process.

Outputting CAD Data For Rapid Prototyping and 3D printing

An excellent introduction on how to make 3d models for 3d printing.
Topics covered:
- CAD Formats
- Output Resolution
- Mesh Integrity
- Solid vs. Surface modeling.
- Water-tightening/Repairing
- General modeling tips
- Prototyping services

From EMS Prototyping.


Motor Built With ABS Rapid Prototype Parts

The parts for this motor were made on a Dimension Uprint rapid prototype machine we were trying out.
We already had the prints for a class project. We tweaked the parts a bit, put them together, and it actually ran!

Solido3D Desktop Printer

Desktop 3D Printer

FISHER/UNITECH: New uPrint Rapid Prototyping Machine from Stratasys

In this video you will see step-by-step instructions on how to install your printers drivers into your computer, and how to load the ABSplus materials into the printer itself, and just how easy it is to do both.

Rapid Prototyping SLA 250 Machine - Martello Limited

SLA rapid prototyping machine. Watch a rapid prototype being built using layer additive fabrication technology and laser power! This is the industry standard technology for building rapid prototype parts and masters for tooling using vacuum casting technology. Accurate to between 1-2% or 0.1/0.2mm whichever is the greater, SLA parts are proven to work better and have better surface finish and mechanical properties than most other rp technologies. Contact Martello today for a quote or visit our web site.

ZCorporation 450 3D printer in action rapid prototyping mach

This is the newest machine on the market. It has the fastest print time, lowest material cost and is the easiest to use.

Rapid Prototyping at it's finest 3D 3-D Printer

Now you can print 3D color models so quickly and affordably, you'll do it every day. Introducing the ZPrinter®450. The ZPrinter 450 makes color 3D printing accessible to everyone. The lowest priced color 3D printer available, it outputs brilliant color models with time-saving automation and an easy printing process.

Z Corporation has introduced more innovations than any other provider of rapid prototyping solutions, including development of the fastest 3D printers, the world's only color 3D printers, and high-definition 3D printing (HD3DP™) capabilities. Our 3D printers create physical models from computer-aided design (CAD) data by using an inkjet print-head to deposit a liquid binder that solidifies layers of powder. This cutting-edge technology supports a full line of 3D printers that deliver the speed, low operating costs, and high-quality models that product developers need to compete in today's global market.



Rapid Prototyping Ball and Socket Joint

The McGill University rapid prototyper, originally set up in the Centre for Intelligent Machines, can make all kinds of neat devices out of plastic. Here, it's making a ball and socket joint. This time-lapse video took about 12 hours. Images were taken by an SGI Indy camera.

Rapid Prototying an elastomer tire

This is a scaled down version of the Polar Bear robot tire. It was made with a Stratasys FDM 3000 rapid prototyper. The prototyper was originally set up at McGill's Centre for Intelligent Machines. The part was made by James Andrew Smith and took about six hours to complete. The time-lapse video was made using an SGI Indy computer and its camera.

FDM Lecture Part 2/2

FDM 3000 Rapid prototyping lecture, University of Texas El Paso

FDM Lecture Part 1/2

FDM 3000 Rapid prototyping lecture, University of Texas, El Paso