
How to Build a Bathroom in About Five Minutes...

About the Music:
The music is by Stella Link, one of my long time favorite bands. I once lived two houses up from where the band would practice and I would sit out on my front porch and listen for hours while they held jam sessions and honed their sound. The name of this track is unknown. It was copied from one of the free sample C.D.'s that they would pass out at their shows downtown. Their MySpace page is still active and is checked occasionaly but their website does not seem to be active any longer. C.D.'s can still be purchased online from various vendors.

About the Video:
Actually, this project took about six months to complete. I was only able to work on it in my free time. This will be an additional bathroom used for the downstairs entertainment room and bar in my home. The video consists of a few thousand pictures, shown for one-tenth of a second each. Every time I watch it, I see something new, including a few friends stopping by, now and then. Pleae forgive me for all of the pictures of my butt, but at least I spared everyone the discomfort of plumber's crack. The camera used was a Nikon CoolPix 8700 digital camera. The video was edited frame by frame using Ulead Video Studio 8.

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